The actual reasons for the decline of bird populations:
No surprise but despite posting the facts people are still banging on about cats.
Of course they have an impact but that’s in a tiny proportion of their habitat.
Millions of people had cats 60 years ago. With increase of human population they will have gone up but their were zero indoor cats back then and any increase is not going to account for over 50% reduction in bird numbers. There are also far less feral cats than there used to be back then.
How many against cats have paved over their front garden. Kill an animal and it’s 1 less. Take away it’s habitat and that’s killed every animal that will ever live there.
But front gardens are really not a major a factor either. It’s the pressure on farmers to maximise yields. The only change that works will be subsidies for wildlife borders etc. That will drive prices up and just like with increase in taxes it’s us the consumer who is feeding that pressure and unwilling to pay more so look for scapegoats.
Habitat outside this country is even more at threat and with migratory birds has the major impact.
So look beyond your garden for where the real problem is
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