World’s ‘most monstrous bodybuilder’,confirmed dead today by BBC…

Man dies after lifting…see more

Omari wins silver medal in Maldives bodybuilding contest

Hamidullah Omari has won silver medal in body fitness competitions underway in the Maldives, the Afghanistan Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (AFBBF) said on Saturday .


Illia ‘Golem’ Yefimchyk, popularly known as world’s most monstrous body builder has died due to heart attack, reports have suggested. He was 36.

“Close sources confirm the death of Illia Golem, the 340 LBS beast.

Reports say he fell into a coma after which his wife performed chest compressions on him to revive him. “I spent every day by his side, hoping, and his heart started beating again for two days, but the doctor gave me the terrible news that his brain had died,” his wife had informed the local media.

Illia ‘Golem’ Yefimchyk was 6 foot tall and 340 pounds in weight, as per Muscle and Fitness reported. He credited his massive physique to his mass monster diet which is close to 16,500 calories. He used to consume seven meals a day which comprised more than five pounds of steak and over 100 pieces of sushi.

“Yefimchyk impressively achieved lifts of 600-pound bench press, 700-pound deadlifts, and 700-pound squat,” DailyMail reported.


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